Scrounging Recycled Packing Materials, Shipping, and Making Baking Dishes

I have sold a lot of pottery locally right out of my studio, but after posting this new website I got quite a few orders, so I have had to figure out packing and shipping pretty quickly. This is no easy task. I have decided to try to use recycled material whenever possible. I am passionate about being environmentally responsible, and now I have the opportunity to stick to my principles. However, this brings about some interesting challenges. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not shy……… all… so I have had a fun week of scrounging for used boxes, bubble wrap, and peanuts. I have gone to quite a variety of stores, in our little town, asking folks if they ever have packing materials that they need to get rid of. Some stores that I thought would have stuff didn’t, but others were great. I got a bunch of small, sturdy boxes from the DOLLAR STORE and the manager, Rose, was a bright and cheery gal who said she would even call me when they had more. Next, I went to the NATURAL GROCERS store, but the ladies at the registers said that they keep all their boxes for people to use instead of bags. That was reasonable, but I decided to track down my buddy, Charlie, the nutritionist who is pretty full of himself and a blast to banter with. I thrive on tests of wit and Charlie is a formidable competitor. I strolled into his office and laid out my plight. Although the cashiers at the front were right about the boxes, Ol’ Chuck gave me a huge garbage sack full of biodegradable peanuts and some green bubblewrap! SCORE!!!

I won’t bore you with the rest of the treasure hunt, but I am determined to track down whatever I can find and continue to repurpose wasted materials. I wrap each piece in thick layers of bubble wrap, place them inside a box filled with peanuts, and then place that box inside a second box, also filled with peanuts. It seems like overkill, but not for pottery.

I have chosen to ship with FedEx because they seem to be the most reliable. I get a discount through ETSY, so I pass on the savings to the customers.

I got everything shipped out this morning and then I was able to get back to what I love - throwing pots! I’ve had a huge call for the pie pans and baking dishes (plus everything else) so I spent the rest of the day making 7 decorative pieces. It was a good day.